Weekly is a currency command in Dank Memer, It is used to claim rewards in coins.
Though unlike Daily and Monthly, This command can only be done on a Premium Server which can be set by a donor ($5 to $45).
A weekly can be done by doing /weekly
When used, the users will receive some reward coins (⏣ 500,000) in their wallet, unlike daily however, this command has no streak system, meaning that regardless how many times you used it on a weekly basis, it won't stack.
- This command has 2 other identical command with the same method and function, Daily and Monthly
- Daily: A command with a cooldown of 1 Day
- Monthly: A command with a cooldown of 1 Month
- Unlike daily and monthly, this command can only be used on a premium server, which can be set by a donor/a patron.
- Unlike daily, This command has it's own cooldown.