Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
Bug Hunter Badge

This seems familiar doesn't it?
This page is about the voting, there are others that might be more relevant to what you're looking for such as Vote Level, which you can access with /advancements vote.

Legacy Padlock

It's all coming together...
The subject of this article will soon have a major overhaul.

Vote, or voting is a command in Dank Memer that gives the user two separate links that they can vote for the bot on, and in exchange for rewards. You can try the command by entering /vote.


By logging in on your discord account, and then visiting either site, you can choose to vote for Dank Memer, and after doing so, you will receive a reward.

Discordbotlist rewards

  • 1.85x XP Multiplier for 1 hour
  • +150% Coin Multiplier for 1 hour
  • 1x Vote Pack (can no longer be obtained)
  • 1x Tool Box (can no longer be obtained)
  • 1x Daily Box (can no longer be obtained)

Currently, you can only vote at discordbotlist.com to get the rewards.


  • Prior to the update on April 8, 2023, Daily Boxes were the primary reward for voting.
  • top.gg has been replaced with Freemium. Voting on Top.gg gets you nothing.
  • discordbotlist.com rewards has been nerfed due to its voting time of 6 hours instead of 12 hours.

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