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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Stream is a currency command in Dank Memer. It's a streaming simulator type game which allows you to interact with your stream just like how a streamer would in general.

You can start a stream using /stream.


Trending Game

In streaming, you can choose what game you want to stream, and interact with your stream after going live with the selected game. It's best not to stream the same game every time.

There is a random chance that the game that you've selected is "Trending", which would give you more revenue than you would with a non-trending game.

As you stream more often, you'll have an increase in both viewers and sponsors. You can also level up by obtaining experience, which you would get by interacting with your stream, either it by running an AD, reading chat, or collecting donations.


Streaming interface

On the top, you're shown the maximum minutes that you have to not do an interaction, before your stream will forcefully ends itself of inactivity. Below it shows the cooldown for the interactions that you can do each time.

The grid below shows your basic streaming info, including your level and exp, the game you're streaming, live duration, total viewers and sponsors, and streaming streaks.

The five buttons below the interface is the interactions. the blurple buttons are the streaming interaction buttons that can affect your stream, the gray button is your setup, and the red button is the one you can click to end your stream.


There are four interactions that you can do within the streaming command.

Run AD[]

Clicking the "Run AD" button will run an advertisement on your stream. If successfully done, you'll receive coins, the amount depends on your stream streak and whether you're streaming a trending game or not.

There's a chance that this will fail, causing your stream to end.

Read Chat[]

Clicking the "Read Chat" button will simulate you reading your chat. This won't give any revenue, but has a smaller chance of ending your stream, making it a safer option.

Though, despite a small chance, this can still end your stream.

Collect Donations[]

Clicking the "Collect Donations" button will collect donations you've supposedly received from your sponsors. This can generate either a coin revenue, or a streaming item.

There's a somewhat high chance that this will fail, causing your stream to abruptly end.

End Stream[]

Clicking this will end your stream.

Available Games[]

These are the games that you can choose to stream:

  • Apex Legends
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Destiny 2
  • DOTA 2
  • Elden Ring
  • Escape from Tarkov
  • FIFA 22
  • Fortnite
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Hearthstone
  • Just Chatting
  • League of Legends
  • Lost Ark
  • Minecraft
  • PUBG Battlegrounds
  • Rainbow Six Siege
  • Rocket League
  • Rust
  • Teamfight Tactics
  • Valorant
  • Warzone 2
  • World of Tanks
  • World of Warcraft

Related achievements[]

Stream 10 days in a row![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 250,000

Stream 50 days in a row![]

Associated rewards

Stream 100 days in a row![]

Associated rewards

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