Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki

Skins, or Skin is a currency feature in Dank Memer that allows you to change the appearance of certain aspects of the bot's currency feature.

You can view all the skins you have using /skins view



To select or use a skin, use the command /skins select, and choose from the available sub-commands depending on what you want to have change, either your farm, pet, badge, or an item.

Obtaining a skin[]

There are various sources for you to get skins in Dank Memer, the most common ones are: hunting, digging, fishing, searching, posting memes, adventures, or from scratch-offs.

Skin Fragments[]

When obtaining a skin that one has already unlocked, that user will receive Skin Fragments in return.

Rarity Skin Fragments return (Obtain same skins) Skin Fragments need to unlock skins
Common 10 50
Uncommon 20 100
Rare 30 150
Epic 40 200
Legendary 100 500
Godly 200 1000

All Skins[]

Item Skins[]


  • Once, if one had already obtained a skin and had collected it again, it would re-roll the skin to a lower rarity. Now, if you already have all skins from a certain rarity, you would be given skin fragments instead.


Site Navigation[]

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