Serversettings are a Config command in Dank Memer . Only server administrators can access this command.
List of settings [ ]
Bank Robbing
If this is disabled, it will disable "/bankrob" for the entire server
Toggles the Bankrob command. Only the server owner can toggle this.
Events Manager
Select a role ID that will be in charge of managing events in your server
You can select a role to have the permission to manage Server Events and access the server pool. Only the server owner can toggle this.
Random Events
Having this disabled prevents random events from spawning for any members in a server
Toggles whether random events can spawn through issuing a command.
Rob Protection
Prevents members who joined within the last day from robbing anyone in this server
New members that have recently joined the server cannot Rob anyone on the server, but other members also cannot rob them.
If this is disabled, it will disable "/rob" for the entire server
Toggles the Rob command. Only the server owner can toggle this.