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Dank Memer Wiki

Server Events is a currency command in Dank Memer.


"Everyone loves giveaways and server events where you can hang out and interact with other users and possibly win prizes." -Official website

Server Events are only available to servers with over 50 real members (not bots), and it grants access to the server pool, which is a storage for all the coins and items people donate to the server through commands.

In Server Settings, a server administrator (or anyone with the Manage Server permission) can designate a role ID to become an Events Manager. Events Managers are able to remove items from the server pool. Only designated event managers are able to take things out of the server pool for giveaways and events.

Every server with access to the Server Events command has a server pool.


  • /serverevents donate <quantity> [item] Donate a specified amount of a selected item to the server pool.
  • /serverevents pool View the total net worth, amount of coins, and inventory of the server pool.
  • /serverevents donations [user] View the total donation history of the entire server, or just one specific member.
  • /serverevents logs Check the history of who won each donation.
  • /serverevents payout <user> <quantity> [item] Manually donate items to a specified member. Leave the [item] syntax blank to donate money.
  • /serverevents run raffle <entry_items> <days> <quantity> <item> Start a raffle. You must specify the entry item, how many days the raffle lasts, and how many of an item will be placed as a prize.
  • /serverevents run giveaway <winners> <hours> <quantity> <item> Start a giveaway. You must specify how many winners will be chosen, how long the giveaway will last, and how much of each item is being given away. You can have up to 5 winners, and whatever you enter will be equally divided among them.
  • /serverevents run serverbankrob <quantity> Start a bankrob on the server's bank. You must specify how much money will be taken from the server pool.
  • /serverevents run splitorsteal <quantity> [item] Start a game of "split or steal". You must specify how many items are on the line.


A Giveaway is an event where the event host plans to give away a set number of items, split equally among the number of winners. Entering a Giveaway does not cost anything, and the winner is declared after a set amount of time.

Once it ends, winners will be automatically paid, so the host won't have to do anything further. The name of the winners will appear on the giveaway as well, so everyone can see who won.

Everyone who joins has an equal chance at winning.


A Raffle is similar to a giveaway, only entering a Raffle costs money or a number of an item to join. Only one winner will be declared. Users can enter as many times as they want for a higher chance of winning, but each time they’ll be charged another one of the items you’ve chosen as the entry fee. All of the entry fees are added to the server pool so you can give them away in the future. Raffles are one of the most common ways to earn extra inventory for a server pool, but it is a priority to pick entry fees that make sense for what they are giving away.

Split or Steal[]

Split or Steal is a game where two users are chosen to possibly win a prize. The two users are given the option to split the prize or steal it. If both people split, then they share the coins or items that are the prize. If one of them steals and one of them splits, however, then the person who steals gets everything. If both steal, then they both get nothing, and the prize goes back to the server pool.

After about a minute, two users will be picked out of all who joined. The users can then choose whether they split or steal, and after another minute or two, the results will be shown, and prizes will be automatically given out if anyone wins.

The embed reads:

"Choose the action you want to take! You have 2 minutes!

If you both hit split, you split the reward! If you both hit steal, you both get NOTHING. If one splits and one steals... well the one who steals gets it all.

We advise speaking with each other and deciding together, only true demons will instantly hit steal... right?"

If one does not select an option during the given time to choose an action, said user will instantly split.

Server Bankrob[]

Server Bankrobs, also known as Heists, are another type of Server Event. Server Bankrobs can be hosted for any amount of money you have available in your server pool, and they do not cost anything for users to enter. Users cannot be in passive mode if they wish to join a server bankrob.

One will need to specify how much money will be taken from the server pool. If the value is worth more than the amount of coins in the server pool, the heist will not start.

Users can click the “Join Bankrob” button to join in and have a chance at a portion of the coins. Not everyone is guaranteed to get coins from the bankrob, though, as there is a chance users are fined coins from their wallet or that they die in the process and lose a life. After a few minutes, the results will show, and users can see how many won, lost, and died.


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