Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Scratch is a currency command that works by giving you four chances to click on five of fifteen total buttons, with a chance of getting a prize.

You can try scratch in Dank Memer using the command /scratch.


In Dank Memer, Scratch is done using fifteen clickable buttons in a 5x3 layout grid, four random prizes, and four chances to click the buttons of your choice.

You're allowed to click four squares, which will reveal what hides under it. Usually, a square gives nothing, but occasionally, there will be a prize:

  • A random item
  • A random amount of coins, represented by a Coin symbol (check the gallery).
  • A coin multiplier, represented by a Coin symbol with a plus.
  • An XP multiplier, represented by a star with "XP" written on it.
  • A random skin of different rarity,
  • A specific skin,
  • A number of skin fragments
  • and a set amount of coins, either a determined amount or a random amount between two numbers.

If a user is unsatisfied with their outcome, they can become a Patreon to redo their Scratch-Off. Do note that this removes all rewards earned prior.

You can only do this command once every three hours. If a scratch-off is abandoned, you no longer get to use it. You must also be at least Level 100 or Prestige/Omega 1 to issue this command.



  • This is the only gambling command that wasn't removed from the bot after the Gambling Removal announcement.

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