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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Rob is a currency command in Dank Memer that allows you to steal another user's balance no matter in their pocket or bank, there is are chances of either failing, or completely robbing the user's pocket or bank entirety.

You can steal from other users by using /rob <user>


In robbing a user, you'll either get caught and forced to pay a random amount of fee, dying due to a landmine in the user's pocket or bank, getting sliced into pieces by a gladiator or you would successfully rob the user.

You can fail a robbery from these circumstances:

  • The user had a padlock, and you don't have a bolt cutter in your inventory. (Dependent)
  • The user had a landmine that exploded. (Dependent and Random)
  • You were caught. (Random)

When successfully robbing a user, the bot will give out one of these prompts, letting you know how much you actually stole:

  1. You stole a TINY portion 🤏!
  2. You stole a small portion 💸!
  3. You stole a fairly decent chunk 💰!

After a successful robbery, the player will drop a 0-8% of the coins stolen. The Fierce Fang Fare will prevent this from happening.

Useful items[]

In robbing, you might find these items useful:

  • Bolt Cutters - Automatically breaks padlocks.
  • Alcohol - Increases luck when robbing others. You are also more prone to losing coins.
  • Bottle of Whiskey - Increases your luck, without any downsides.
  • Fake ID - Stops you from getting more fails from stealing (in work)
  • Caipirinha - Either allows you to steal ALL coins from a player in their pocket or give them a random item in your inventory and some coins.

Protecting yourself[]

To protect yourself from getting robbed, you can use padlocks, landmines and/or a fake id, or by toggling passive mode in the settings. Pets can also stop robbers by either killing the robber or sending them to the hospital after injuring them, where they will have to pay for the fees. This is only if some training points are spent on Attack or Defense!

Passive mode will expire if you don't run any commands for 14 days, while it'll prevent you from getting stolen from, it also prevents you from robbing other users as well.

Fake IDs will disguise your discriminator tag permanently unless you remove it with a command (/remove <item>), Fake IDs will instantly disappear if you're caught robbing other users.


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