Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
New Pepe Sus

Pepe... why are you looking so SUS step bro
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Rate is a Fun command in Dank Memer.


When rating a user, the user is required to enter one of eight fields to rate other users in, as well as the targeted user that they want to rate. These include:

  • peepee
  • dank
  • epicgamer
  • gay
  • simp
  • stank
  • bad
  • waifu

When the command is issued, it will display an embed that looks like the following:

[field] r8 machine

[username] is [random number out of 100/100] [rating]

There are two options that break this trend, and they are peepee and stank. Entering stank in said field will show the same embed, but with the following emoji at the end of the message, depicting a brown-haired male adult with a slight fringe holding its nose.

Entering peepee will show the following:

peepee r8 machine

[username]'s p*nis

8 (random amount of = symbols) D

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