Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
Bug Hunter Badge

This seems familiar doesn't it?
This page is about the Quests (Command), there are others that might be more relevant to what you're looking for such as the Dragon Quest, Kraken Quest, or the Alien Quest

Quests is a currency command in Dank Memer. Its comprised of daily quests and weekly quests that you can try and complete before it resets.

You can see check your given quests using /quests


Quests will reset at 0:00 UTC. so users will have to wait 24 hours to receive new daily quests, and have the same time period to finish their given quest.

Premium users can choose to re-roll an uncompleted daily quests once a day.

Quests can give different rewards based on its difficulty, which means the harder it is to complete, the better the rewards will be. The rewards for quests can include thing such as items, coins, skins, and beneficial boosts, including:

  • a coin multiplier;
  • XP boost;
  • increased farming speed;
  • and increased crafting speed.

When completing a quest, Dank Memer will mention you with an embed message that lets you know of the completion. It will also provide you with the total amount of time it took for you to complete said quest, and a percentage of users that you managed to outpace in time of completion.

Types of quests[]

There are two types of quests available, a Daily and a Weekly.

  • A daily quest will change once every day, and is different per user.
  • A weekly quest will change every week, but will be the same for every user.


Upon completing 20 weekly quests, the user will be awarded with a "Bester Quester" badge. They can also unlock the premium version of the badge by completing 40 weekly quests.


  • Prior to July 9th, 2023, there would be quests related to market offers, but were promptly removed after users started spamming market offers and putting strain on the Dank Memer serves, leading these market-related quests to be removed.

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