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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Profile is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to check out another user's profile, or even your own.


Using the command /profile, you can see another user's profile by entering their usertag in the "user:" syntax.

You can also view your own profile by leaving out the "user:" syntax blank.

Dropdown Options[]

There are a total of eleven (11) dropdown options that you can view upon checking someone's profile, this includes:

Main Profile[]

The Main Profile option consists of general stats like:

Active Items[]

The Active Items option consists of item effect(s) that the user may have active of the current moment, it'll show what the item is and how long it's going to last before running out.


The Badges option consists of badges that the user have obtained, showing what the badge name is and how they managed to obtain it.

Collector Stats[]

The Collector Stats option consists of four things related to collecting, that is:


The Cooldowns option shows what commands that the user may have on cooldown of the current moment.


The Levels option consists of:

  • Current Level & Exp
  • Levels left before the next prestige
  • Levels left before getting a reward

Legacy Gambling Stats[]

The Legacy Gambling Stats consists of all five (5) of the user's gambling command stats, each detailing how much the user have won & lost, their net, and winning percentage.

The gambling commands includes:

  • Gamble
  • Slots
  • Blackjack
  • Snakeeyes
  • Scratch

Gambling Stats[]

The Gambling Stats is the same as the Legacy version, except that it's recording the up-to-date version of the user's gambling stats. basically the newer stats.

Adventure Stats[]

The Adventure Stats consists of the user's statistics in doing the Adventure command, showing how much they've won & lost on each adventures, the amount of deaths, coins founded, and items received.

Robbing Stats[]

The Robbing Stats consists of:

  • Total attempts
  • Successful Robbery, Failed Robbery, and Success rate (%)
  • Total Amount that the user have stole & Total amount paid in failed robbery
  • Times the user been robbed, Amount lost from getting robbed, and Amount gained from others failed robbery

Work Stats[]

The Work Stats consists of:

  • Total work done
  • Total coins earned
  • Successful shifts & Failed shifts

Fight Stats[]

The Fight Stats consists of:

  • Win-to-lose ratio
  • Reputation
  • Rank
  • Wins
  • Favorite action
  • Least favorite action
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