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Postmemes is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to "post memes" in a selected platform and possibly earn some coins and items.


Using the command '/postmemes', you simulate yourself posting memes on an internet platform.

If you get a trending meme, you will receive double the amount of loot in return. If you get a dead meme, you will have to wait another 3 minutes in order to post another meme.

There are five options that you can choose from to post your memes, that is:

  1. Fresh
  2. Repost
  3. Intellectual
  4. Copypasta
  5. Kind

And five different platforms to post your memes on, that is:

  1. TikTok
  2. Discord
  3. Reddit
  4. Twitter
  5. Facebook

Unlike the options, the platforms that you can choose from has a global stats that shows how many times its been chosen by other users.

Note that the streaks in the message means nothing other than a cool stats to see.

Loot Table[]

There are five different loot tables for this command, all of which are linked to their own platforms, see below for a list of them:


Chance Rewards
0.5% ⏣ 18,000 / ⏣ 65,000 - Exclusive Gems Box - Developer Box - God Box
3% ⏣ 12,000 / ⏣ 28,000 - Adventure Compass - Adventure Voucher
8% ⏣ 4,000 / ⏣ 12,000 - Fishing Bait - Ammo - Stolen Amulet
20% Nothing - Dead Meme
25.5% Nothing
43% ⏣ 1,500 / ⏣ 4,000 - Life Saver - Cell Phone


Chance Rewards
2% ⏣ 25,000 / ⏣ 75,000 - Aetheryx' Flower - Random Uncommon Item Skin
3% ⏣ 10,000 / ⏣ 25,000 - Shop Coupon - Adventure Voucher
7% ⏣ 5,000 / ⏣ 10,000 - Fishing Bait - Ammo - Bottle of Whiskey
20% Nothing - Dead Meme
25% Nothing
43% ⏣ 2,500 / ⏣ 5,000 - Apple - Bank Note - Life Saver - Adventure Ticket


Chance Rewards
1.5% ⏣ 10,000 / ⏣ 25,000 - Plastic Box - Streak Freeze - Weet's Donut - Random Uncommon Pet Skin
12% ⏣ 8,000 / ⏣ 12,000 - Green Screen - The Megaphone - Multi Colored Plastic Bits
22% Nothing
25% Nothing - Dead Meme
39.5% ⏣ 3,500 / ⏣ 8,000 - Padlock - Bank Note - Life Saver - Apple - Keyboard


Chance Rewards
2% ⏣ 15,000 / ⏣ 35,000 - Pepe Trophy - Meme Box - Random Common Item Skin
9% ⏣ 5,000 / ⏣ 11,000 - Camera - Microphone - Purple Plastic Bits - Orange Plastic Bits - Pepe Statue
20% Nothing - Dead Meme
20% Nothing
49% ⏣ 2,500 / ⏣ 5,000 - Bank Note - Adventure Ticket - Padlock


Chance Rewards
2% ⏣ 15,000 / ⏣ 35,000 - Dank Box - Old Box - Pepe Box - Aha's Pitcher Plant - Random Rare Item Skin
9% ⏣ 6,000 / ⏣ 15,000 - Like Button - Blue Plastic Bits - Orange Plastic Bits - Pepe Coin
15% Nothing - Dead Meme
35% Nothing
39% ⏣ 3,000 / ⏣ 6,000 - Shredded Cheese - Adventure Ticket - Apple

Possible Messages[]


⏣ 18,000 / ⏣ 65,000[]

  • Your video blew up, it got shared by a celebrity and got a few hundred thousand likes!

⏣ 12,000 / ⏣ 28,000[]

  • Your video was great, it had a comment from a minor celebrity and a few thousand likes!

⏣ 1,500 / ⏣ 4,000[]

  • Your video was ok, it got a few "fyp" comments and a couple hundred likes


  • No one really enjoyed your video, they'd rather watch Hank Green
  • Your video got removed for violating community guidelines, rip
  • Your video never hit a single fyp

Nothing - Dead Meme[]

  • You saw this on instagram first you thief, dead meme.
  • Your comments are filled with arguments and you have no likes, it's dead.
  • Your tiktok made it to the boomer side of TikTok, it's a dead meme.


⏣ 2,500 / ⏣ 5,000[]

  • Your meme was ok, got a few boomer "😂" reactions and someone said "relatable"

Nothing - Dead Meme[]

  • Your meme got met with a fresh "who asked", it's dead.


⏣ 10,000 / ⏣ 25,000[]

  • Your meme got thousands of upvotes, nice!


  • Do you even have a sense of humor?

Nothing - Dead Meme[]

  • You posted your meme in the Dank Memer subreddit, its for DANK MEMER BOT posts not offtopic memes! Dead meme!


⏣ 15,000 / ⏣ 35,000[]

  • Your meme got shared by someone pretty popular, nice engagement!

⏣ 5,000 / ⏣ 11,000[]

  • Your meme was seen by only your followers, but it was enough to get decent engagement.


  • No one really cared about your meme.
  • Your meme is not that interesting.
  • Your meme is not very effective.

Nothing - Dead Meme[]

  • They introduced the downvote and people tested it on your post. Dead meme!
  • Your meme got overshadowed by someone being racist and getting canceled. Dead meme.
  • Your meme was more of boomer Facebook meme, Twitter doesn't stand for that. Dead meme!


6,000 / ⏣ 13,000[]

  • Your meme got shared on tiktok, better than nothing for this dead platform.

3,000 / ⏣ 6,000[]

  • Your better looking cousin shared your meme and it got some traction.


  • No one uses facebook, so no one saw your meme.
  • Your meme is not that interesting.
  • Your meme is not very effective.
  • Your meme was buried on everyone's timeline bc of all the ads.

Nothing - Dead Meme[]

  • Grandma Sussy said some questionable things about other countries in the comments. Dead meme!
  • Your mom shared your baby picture in the comments and went on about how proud she was of you for this meme. Dead meme!
  • Uncle Kevin started spouting anti-vax bs in the comments. Dead meme.

Limited options[]

During seasonal events, some aspects of Dank Memer changes accordingly. As for this command, the dialogue options are changed according to the event.

2022 Halloween Event[]

During the 2022 Halloween Event, the options for posting memes were changed to only these four:

  1. Spooky
  2. Spoopy
  3. Scary
  4. Skelly

2024 Halloween Event[]

During the 2024 Halloween Event, the options for posting memes were changed to only these five:

  1. Spooky
  2. Creepy
  3. Bloody
  4. Possessed
  5. Haunted


  • Prior to the 9.10.6 update, You were required to have a Laptop in your inventory before you can use this command.


Site Navigation[]

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