Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki

Partners is a utility command in Dank Memer that lists out every discord server that are partnered with Dank Memer.

You can find a list of the server with /partners


Partnered servers are simply communities who have been accepted into the partner program, and is recognized to be a community that shares an interest in Dank Memer.


In order to become a partner, a server must be represented by its actual owner(s), and have them apply through a google form, usually found either in the changelogs, or announced publicly by the staff themselves.

There are requirements that servers have to meet in order to actually apply, which are:

  • The server must have at least 1,000 members.
  • The server must have channels specifically made only for Dank Memer uses.
  • The server must be following the #bot-news feed, which can be done from the support server.
  • The server's perception towards the bot is not overly negative, toxic, or irrational.
  • Any admins or owners are not banned from using the bot

The owner will be contacted via e-mail within a few weeks, and be given the decision made. Decisions made cannot be appealed in any way.

Lists of Partners[]

These are servers that are currently listed as partners on Dank Memer:

Site Navigation[]

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