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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Monthly is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to check in on a monthly funding and receive a huge sum of coins for it.

How it works[]

Using the command /monthly, you can receive up to ⏣ 8,000,000 in coins, however, you will have to wait one month before you can do this command again.

This command is locked behind a one-time purchase wall, so you need to collect up to ⏣ 15,000,000 coins to purchase the command first using /advancements upgrades.

Unlike daily, this command does not have streaks, meaning that no matter how many times you do this command on a monthly basis, the coin reward will not increase.


  • Prior to the rewrite, this command used to be free-to-use, however was then changed as a one-time purchasable upgrade for a price of ⏣ 15,000,000 coins.
    • This upgrade is a per-account type, meaning that it can't be transferred into another account.

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