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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Market is a currency command in Dank Memer. It acts as a place for you to buy or sell items from or to other users throughout the bot.


The market system works like an intermediary for you and other users playing the bot, where you can buy items from or sell items to other users.

In the market, there is also a partial setting that allows someone to buy an offer for only half of the price, and the original selling quantity.

The /market command has multiple sub commands, below is the basics for them


Post for Items[]

/market post_for_items allows you to post either a buying or selling offer, in exchange for items instead of coins.

Posting a selling offer would allow you to request for an item of specific quantity from other users in exchange for your offer. Posting a buying offer would allow you to request an item of specific quantity from other users, in exchange for an item of specific quantity from you.

You can also set whether or not the offer is accepting partiality, and for how many days the offer should last

Post for Coins[]

/market post_for_coins allows you to post either a buying or selling offer. Both offer types allows you to request for an item of specific amount from other users, in exchange for a specific amount of coins.

You can also set whether or not the offer is accepting partiality, and for how many days the offer should last


/market view shows you a list of offers available. You can sort the list to a specific item, and to a specific type of market, like:

  • Buying, selling, and your own offers
  • Offers for coins & items
  • Offers that are expiring soon
  • Offers that was posted recently
  • Offers that allows for a partial purchase

Offer removal[]

/market remove lets you remove an offer using the ID, as long as its your own offer.

Accepting offers[]

Although you can accept an offer just by clicking on buttons provided, you can also do it manually using /market accept and the offer's ID.


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