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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
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This seems familiar doesn't it?
This page is about the 'Command Version of Item', there are others that might be more relevant to what you're looking for such as Obtainable Currency Items

Item (Command) is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to see more details regarding an item.

How it works[]

Using the command Template:Text-class, Dank Memer will send an embed message detailing everything about the item that you choose, the details go as follow:

  • The item's description
  • How many of that item that you own in total (includes overall net worth coverage)
  • Market Value & Active Offers
  • Selling Price
  • Usability (reusable or consumable)

Occasionally, items would have its use purpose included in the embed, however, not all items have it, this is proven true by the case of Designer Hoodie.

You can also view the market instantly without having to go through the trouble of typing in the command, just by clicking the button that would appear below that says "Market View".

If an item is listed in Craft, you view its section in the craft menu instantly.

Loot Boxes[]

On loot boxes, there are two more button provided in the embed, "Sources" and "Possible Items".

Sources basically lists a short and simple ways of obtaining said loot boxes, meanwhile, Possible Items would list what items are included as a reward within that loot box.


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