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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Highlow is a gambling mini-game in Dank Memer, where you have to determine whether the hidden number is higher or lower than the given hint number.

You can play this mini-game by using the command /highlow.


The basic understanding of this game is, you have to guess whether the real number is higher than, lower than, or exactly the hint number, you can confirm your answer by clicking the provided buttons.

If you're correct, then you'll get some coins as a reward, and nothing if you're incorrect. If you press JACKPOT and its correct, you get alot more coins.

Simple strategy[]

Highlow is a very predictable gambling game that offers little to no losing, since you don't lose anything when choosing an incorrect answer.

So, if you ever get a number that is below 50, choosing "Lower" guarantees a higher chance of a correct answer, and vice versa with above 50.

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