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Dank Memer Wiki

Tutorial is a subcommand of Help and is also a utility command in Dank Memer.


There exists 16 tutorials for the following commands: Achievements, Badges, Craft, Crime, Deposit, Dig, Drops, Farm, Fish, Highlow, Hunt, Profile, Remove, Title, and Withdraw.



Earn some fantastic rewards by completing achievements over time. These awards include coins, valuable items, and exclusive titles that you can earn through bot commands. Some achievements are easier to achieve than others, but don't let that discourage you! Can you complete them all?


Badges take more time overall to complete than achievements. When completing one, you will earn a neat little badge to display on your profile, or even in the /leaderboard command! Use this command to check your overall progress on the available badges! You can also check how many badges you have completed in your profile. Go ahead and start working towards earning some!


craft opens the meme crafting bench. You can check the available items you can craft and the item requirements to make them. If you have the required parts, choose one of the craft button options. There are achievements for this command, see them using /achievements.


Feel like committing a crime? Use the crime command to grind for coins/items. Each type of crime will have unique chances for coins. There is a possibility you could die. Coins from this command are affected by your multiplier.


You can deposit money from your wallet into your bank account.

Money stored in your bank account cannot be accessed by anyone using /rob and will be kept safe during death. You can use several different arguments like “max”, “all”, “half”, or a percentage “30%”. You can even use values like 100k (100,000), 1m (1,000,000), or 2e6 (2,000,000). Feel free to play around with the values and see what works for you.



Got a Shovel? Digging can give you a chance to unearth some valuables! Purchase a shovel using /shop buy shovel. Your shovel does have a chance to break.


This command will show you rare and limited stock items being released in the shop. Purchase current drop items before the end date listed and turn them into great investments... Hopefully.

Sometimes drops are just good sales on not-limited items.


Farming is a brand new mini-game within our bot to sit back, relax, and farm some crops!

Read our in depth guide on how it works here: https://dankmemer.lol/tutorial/farming


Fishing Pole

This grind command is “off the hook”. Buy a fishing pole from the shop and start reelin’ in some underwater fun. You can /use bait to guarantee you will always find something for a full hour. Bait is a drop item found from the fisherman's job in /work. There is a small chance to spawn special mini-games to beat a mini-boss, but be careful and don’t lose!


/highlow is a quick way to make a few coins. You will be given a hint by the bot. You can win by guessing whether the number is higher or lower than the hint provided. Take a risk if you think it’s the same number and choose the JACKPOT button. There is a badge available for winning 20,000 highlow games. See it in /badges. Your multiplier affects this command.


Hunting Rifle

It's hunting season! /shop buy hunting rifle from the shop and start grinding for some animals, items, and item skins! You could come across a mini-game while hunting which could get you special animals. Make sure you don’t die! /use horseshoe for additional luck.


You can use this command to check your levels along with several other details such as your net worth, coins in your wallet, daily streak, etc, including various other stats in the bot, namely Gamble stats, Active items, Badges, and a few other various things. You can also see other user's profile by mentioning them while using the command, /profile @user.


This command serves to remove an active item (you do not get this item back in your inventory). Some items that come with a negative effect cost some coins in order to be removed.

You can check your active items on your profile by doing /profile and selecting the Active Items option from the drop-down menu.


You can use this command to select a title to be shown on your profile. Simply select the title you want from the list after running the /title set subcommand. (Keep in mind that you need to have the title unlocked in order to use it.)

There are multiple ways to earn titles, ranging from level-up rewards, obtaining badges, turning in bundles, completing achievements, etc.

To check your unlocked titles, run /title list.


To take out money from your bank account to your wallet, use /withdraw [amount].

You can use several different arguments like “max”, “all”, “half”, or a percentage “30%”. You can even use values like 100k (100,000), 1m (1,000,000), or 2e6 (2,000,000). Feel free to play around with the values and see what works for you.

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