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Dank Memer Wiki
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Friends is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to add anyone you know and trust as a friend.

How it works[]

Typing in the command /friends, You will be given seven (7) different variants to choose from:

  • /friends add <user> This option allows you to send a friend request to a user.
  • /friends remove <user> This option allows you to remove a user from your friend list.
  • /friends list This option gives you a list of all the user that have accepted your friend request.
  • /friends inspect <user> This option allows you to inspect a friendship you have with someone from your list, detailing when you became friends, and how many interactions you have.
  • /friends share items <user> <quantity> <item> This option allows you to share items with someone from your friend list, be cautious when using this, and only do it with someone that you trust.
  • /friends share coins <user> <quantity> This option allows you to share coins with someone from your friend list, be cautious when using this, and only do it with someone that you trust.
  • /friends share pet <user> <pet> This option allows you to share pets with someone from your friend list

Adding a user[]

To add someone as a friend, you must first send them a request which can be done by using the command /friends add user

Do remember that adding someone as a friend means that you fully trust them, and vice versa. Thus is why being friends with a user will grant you the following:

  • You will have no tax in /wager against each other.
  • You can share items and coins with each other tax free.

Do note that becoming friends just to trade is against bot rules, in addition to the risk of scams.[1]

Removing a user[]

To remove someone from your friends list, you can use the command /friends remove <user>

After removing someone from your friends list, you'll have to wait one (1) hour until you can add a new friend.

Inspecting a friendship status[]

To inspect a friendship status between you and someone from your friends list, use the command /friends list

This will detail when you became friends with the user, and how many interactions you have/did with the user.

Sharing pets with each other[]

To share pets with someone from your friends list, use the command /friends share pet <user> <pet>

After both ends confirming the share, the user being given the pet will fully own it from that point, and will be the one responsible of taking care of shared pet.

Sharing items with each other[]

To share an item with someone from your friends list, use the command /friends share items <user> <quantity> <item>

Be warned that this command requires NO CONFIRMATION from either end, since the command assumes that you are sending an item to someone that you TRUST, and not just some random stranger you met on the internet.

Sharing coins with each other[]

To share coins with someone from your friends list, use the command /friends share coins <user> <quantity>

Be warned that this command requires NO CONFIRMATION from either end, since the command assumes that you are sending an item to someone that you TRUST, and not just some random stranger you met on the internet.


  • Prior to the 2022.43.2 update, you were able to rob your friends even if they were in passive mode, which was then removed.
    • It's hinted that this feature might return as a "mutual setting".


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