This page serves as a guidance to a proper way of writing an article on Dank Memer Wiki, regardless if its related to a specific command or an item.
Before proceeding with an article, you should grasp the basics of how the topic you're writing about works, like their function if its a command, or the source if its an item.
If you're writing an article about an item, then put this template at the very top of the source page:
| image =
| name =
| description =
| buy =
| sell =
| market =
| rarity =
| type =
| usetype =
| bundle =
| origin =
| effects =
| source =
| craft =
- For imagery files. Write the name and the extension of the image.- DO NOT use a local path or a link for this.
- The item's name.
- The item's description here, you can find it using the /item command.
buy (optional)
- The purchase value here.
sell (optional)
- The selling value here.
- The market value here.
- The item's rarity, found on the footer of the /item command.
- The item's type, found on the footer of the /item command.
usetype (optional)
- The item's usage type, found on the footer of the /item command.- It's usually a "Consumed on use" or "Reusable".
bundle (optional)
- The bundle name of this item, you'd have to find it manually with /bundles list.
origin (optional)
- What the item is intended for.- It could be a special reward for a specific user, a specific command, or it might be for a developer.
effects (optional)
- Any effect(s) that this item can cause.- for positive effects.
<span style="color: lime">[+]</span>
- for negative effects.
<span style="color: red">[-]</span>
- Ways to obtain the item.- If more than one, serve it in a list using
- If more than one, serve it in a list using
craft (optional)
- The crafting recipe, you can find it using the /item command.- If more than one, serve it in a list using
- If more than one, serve it in a list using
If you're writing an article about a command, then put this template at the very top of the source page:
| image =
| name =
| description =
| usage =
| type =
| cooldown =
- For imagery files, usually involving the help embed and a preview in necessary.
- The command's name with first letter capitalization.
- The description
- The prefix for the command.
- The command type.
- The cooldowns for both a regular and a premium server.- Separate it using
- Separate it using
Articles within this wiki should have an intro that gives a summary as to what the topic of the page is, and a couple of details that might help the reader.
For items, it should include the item's name, type, and obtaining source(s). Example:
Dragon is a sellables in Dank Memer. It can be obtained by hunting, or from the market
For commands, it should include the command's name, its function, and the actual command itself. Example:
Work is a currency command in Dank Memer. It's mainly to manage your job within the bot, like applying, resigning, doing work shifts, checking your work stars, and checking out other types of jobs.
To apply for a job, run /work apply <job name>, and to resign from a job, run /work resign.
To fulfill your work, run /work shifts.
The body part should only contain general information(s).
Item articles should include:
- Functionality / use
- Effect Duration (optional)
- Trivial sections (optional)
- Site navigation (item navbox)
Command articles should include:
- Variants (example)
- Basic Overview (example)
- Trivial sections (optional)
- Site navigation (command navbox)
Do note that not everything should be piled on one section, so its best to separate different informations using headers and subheaders if necessary. Here's a good example.