This page will go through all the things and conditions that this wiki may contain, such as outdated articles, misinformation, and neutrality imbalance.
Do note that because this is a wiki, these things are to be expected, counting in multiple factors that directly or indirectly cause such things to happen in the first place.
Some articles on this wiki may contain informations that are outdated, and hasn't been updated to reflect the latest of Dank Memer.
This is mainly caused by our currently small editor size, and a lack of report as to what articles requires immediate update, and other factors such as personal life matter.
This is an occurrence that is seen way less within this wiki, otherwise, those misinformations will be deleted as soon as possible either by a staff member, or an active editor.
However, since the majority of the editors within this wiki uses Dank Memer, chances are, they should know what is right and what isn't.
Personal bias
This is a minor occurrence that isn't commonly seen, however, if it does happen in any way and in an article, it shouldn't be taken as serious.
For example. If an article contains wordings that may influence your perception of a certain subject, then it's probably biased, and thus should always be thought of carefully.
Additional conditions
Any other conditions that you should note are:
- Incorrect categorizing.
- Improper grammar.
- Typos.
- Sentence spacing.