Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot that offers currency, image manipulation, and meme features.

It's one of the most popular discord bots, currently being in over 156 million servers and used by millions of Discord users monthly.[1]


Dank Memer was created and is owned by Melmsie, and was originally intended as a way for Melmsie to learn more about JavaScript coding.[2]

Before Dank Memer was listed publicly, it only had three commands and was originally named Markos. The three commands were !meme, !trigger, and !cleverbot.

Eventually, Melmsie would create Dank Memer's current account and list it publicly on late 2016.


Dank Memer's profile picture is based off of Pepe the Frog, a meme that originated from Matt Furie's 2005 comic Boy's Club.



Currency is the most popular aspect of Dank Memer, and is the key feature of the bot, since it allows users to earn virtual currency from commands such as work, postmemes, and other commands.

The currency aspect also has somewhat of a competitive aspect, as users can compete with each other to earn the most currency, and become the richest person on Dank Memer globally.

It also supports robbing features, which if allowed by the server owner, anyone can steal your coins.

Image Manipulation[]

This aspect is very simple, since it's user-friendly and its related commands only requires you to provide an input, which the bot would later use to generate its images.

Do note that this is not something related to AI Generated Images.


The meme aspect is considerable more broad, since it can be found both in commands and within the bot's general behavior. Some commands will give you memes directly from the source outlined in the command like reddit, and some is made from your input.

In terms of behavior, the bot's attitude will seem a bit more "sassy" compared to other bots, examples of this can be found in commands such as search, crime, beg, and adventure.


  • Dank Memer is written and developed using both JavaScript and TypeScript[3]
  • Dank Memer's profile picture, Pepe the Frog, is an iconic meme for Melmsie. It was this very reason as to why Pepe The Frog was chosen as the bot's profile picture.[4]

