Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
Slash Tester Badge

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Daily is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to check in per daily (resets at midnight UTC) and in exchange get some rewards for it.

How it works[]

Using the command /daily, you can check in and get some coin reward that will increase per day.

As long as you can keep doing this on a daily basis, the reward will snowball as well, and at some point will also give you a loot box as a reward, like Daily Boxes, Dank Boxes, and God Boxes. They can give packs as well, like Grind Pack

Previously, missing a day would wipe your streak. Now, missing a day will remove a day from your streak, repeating for 3 days, until on the fourth day when the streak is halved. The following day, your streak is wiped.


Reach 69 daily streak![]

  • Reward: ⏣ 5,000,000
  • Reward: 2x Meme Box

Reach 111 daily streak![]

  • Reward: ⏣ 15,000,000
  • Reward: 2x God Box

Reach 420 daily streak![]

Reach 666 daily streak![]

Reach 1,000 daily streak![]

Reach 1,825 daily streak![]

  • Reward: ⏣ 5,000,000,000
  • Reward: '5 year veteran' title


  • This command has two other identical command with the same method and function, Weekly and Monthly
    • Weekly: A command with a cooldown of 7 days
    • Monthly: A command with a cooldown of 1 month

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