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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Craft is a command in Dank Memer that combines different items and turn it into a whole different item.

You can craft an item, or see a list of all craftable items with /craft.


In crafting, you can use the items that you have in your inventory to make a whole different item, as long as you have the necessary amount for each of the items.

Crafting an item can either be instantaneous, or it may take a couple of minute(s), hours, or it may take multiple days depending on how rare or overpowered the item is.

In crafting, there is a part called "Yields", which is basically how much of that item you would get when the crafting process is finished.


Item Components Time needed Yields
Adventure Voucher 30 minutes 1
Bank Note 1 hour and 30 minutes 5
Bean Mp3 Player 1 day 1
Coin Voucher 6 hours 1
Digging Trophy 3 days 1
Duct Tape 1 hour 2
Fertilizer Bag

Recipe 1

Recipe 2

30 minutes 2
Fishing Trophy 3 days 1
God Box 6 hours 1
Headphones 10 minutes 1
Holy Badosz's Bread 6 hours 1
Hunting Trophy 3 days 1
Life Saver Instant 2
Multi Colored Plastic Bits 2 minutes 1
Pepe Medal 2 hours 1
Pet Food

Recipe 1

Recipe 2

Recipe 3

Recipe 1
1 hour

Recipe 2
30 minutes

Recipe 3
12 minutes

Rare Butterfly 3 days 1
Shooting Star 1 hour 1
Streak Freeze 2 days 1

Limited-time recipes[]

Name Components Time needed Yields Note




  • Instant


  • 10 minutes
1 This item was available during the "2021 Christmas Event" and "2022 Christmas Event".
Christmas Tree


  • Instant


  • 20 minutes
1 This item was available during the "2021 Christmas Event" and "2022 Christmas Event".
Candy Corn 30 minutes 3 This item was available during the "2022 Halloween Event".

Related achievements[]

Craft an item![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 25,000
  • 1x Duct Tape

Craft 25 items![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 250,000
  • 8x Duct Tape

Craft 250 items![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 5,500,000
  • 25x Duct Tape
  • "Crafter" title


  • Before the 10.3.1 Bot Update, every recipe required Duct Tape to craft. Now, one recipe does not require it, which is Duct Tape itself.
  • In order to balance out crafting "overpowered items", like a Shooting Star or Hunting Trophy, these crafts now take time to make. You also cannot craft while another item is being crafted.


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