Beg is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to bolster your own pocket balance, and you may also receive an item as a bonus.
Using the command /beg, You can try and "beg" to random "people or subjects" that may potentially give you coins to bolster your pocket balance.
You may also receive an item as a bonus, ranging from rare to super rare items.
Loot Table[]
Rarity | Chance | Rewards |
Super Rare | (0.1%) | ⏣ 1,300 - ⏣ 1,560
1x Bank Note 1x Pizza Slice 1x Rare Pepe 1x Alcohol |
Rare | (4.9%) | ⏣ 780 - ⏣ 1,040 |
Uncommon | (12%) | ⏣ 260 - ⏣ 780 |
Common | (38%) | ⏣ 65 - ⏣ 260 |
Fail | (45%) | Nothing |
People You Could Beg To[]
- 2pac
- A honey badger
- A stranger
- Ada Lovelace
- Aetheryx
- Airpod Jerk
- Albert Einstein
- Alec Baldwin
- Alexander the Great
- Alicia Keys
- Amelia Earhart
- Amy Poehler
- Andy Warhol
- Angela Merkel
- Anne Hathaway
- Ant-Man
- Aragorn
- Aretha Franklin
- Arya Stark
- Ash Ketchum
- Audrey Hepburn
- Avatar Aang
- ayylien
- B Simpson
- Barack Obama
- Batman
- Beethoven
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Beyoncé
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Gates
- Bill Nye
- Billie Eyelash
- Black Panther
- BluesNoobs
- Boat man
- Bob
- Bob Dylan
- Bob Ross
- Bongo Cat
- Brad Pitt
- Bruce Lee
- Bugs Bunny
- Captain America
- Captain Kirk
- Cardi B
- Carl Sagan
- Carole Baskin
- Celine Dion
- Cersei Lannister
- Charlie Chaplin
- Chief
- Chris Hemsworth
- Christopher Columbus
- Chuck Norris
- Chungus
- Cleopatra
- Confucius
- Daffy Duck
- Daisy Ridley
- Dalai Lama
- Dank Memer
- Dank Memer Community (DMC)
- Dank Vibes
- Danny DeVito
- Dat boi
- David Attenborough
- David Bowie
- Deadpool
- Default Jonesy
- Demi Lovato
- Diana, Princess of Wales
- Discord Dog
- Doctor Strange
- Dolly Parton
- Donald Glover
- Donatello
- Doot Skelly
- Dorothy Gale
- Dr. Jane Goodall
- Dr. Phil
- Drake
- Dua Lipa
- Dumbledore
- Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
- Dwight Shrute
- E.T.
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Edith Piaf
- Edward Scissorhands
- Einstein
- Elizabeth Warren
- Elon Musk
- Elton John
- Emilia Clarke
- Emily Dickinson
- Emma Watson
- Ferris Bueller
- Fiona Apple
- Flo from Progressive
- Frida Kahlo
- Frodo Baggins
- Gal Gadot
- Galileo Galilei
- Gandalf
- Genghis Khan
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- George Clooney
- George Orwell
- Georgia O'Keeffe
- Gordon Ramsay
- Greta Thunberg
- Groot
- Gustav Klimt
- Gwyneth Paltrow
- Hannah Montana
- Harry
- Hawka
- Hawkeye
- Helen Keller
- Henri Matisse
- Henry David Thoreau
- Hercules
- Hermione Granger
- Homer Simpson
- InBlue
- Indiana Jones
- Ingrid Bergman
- Iron Man
- Isaac Newton
- Jackie Chan
- Jake from State Farm
- Jake Paul
- James Bond
- Jane Austen
- Jeff Kaplan
- Jennifer Lopez
- Jesus
- Jimi Hendrix
- Jimmy Neutron
- Joe
- Joe Exotic
- Joe Montana
- John Lennon
- Jon Snow
- Jordan Peele
- Julius Caesar
- Jurassic Park T-Rex
- Justin Bieber
- Kable
- Kamala Harris
- Katy Perry
- Keanu Reeves
- Keemstar
- Kevin Hart
- Kim Jong Un
- Kim Kardashian
- Kylie Jenner
- Lady Gaga
- Lizzy M
- Logan Paul
- Markiplier
- Melmsie
- Melmsie's Beard
- Memecat
- Messi
- Mickey Mouse
- Miley Cyrus
- Minecraft Steve
- Mr. Beast
- Mr. Clean
- Mr Krabs
- Mr Mosby
- Nicki Minaj
- NotARSenic
- Oprah
- Paula Deen
- Peter Dinklage
- Phineas and Ferb
- Queen Elizabeth
- Rick Astley
- Rihanna
- Ryan Gosling
- Sans
- Satan
- Selena Gomez
- Señor Pepe
- Shrek
- Slick
- Sophie Turner
- Spongebob
- Spoopy Skelo
- Stan Lee
- T-Series
- Taylor Swift
- That fart you've been holding in
- That guy you hate
- That lion from that kids movie that vaguely resembled the story of jesus christ
- That tiktok star that shows a little too much booty
- The beard
- The Rock
- The Sky
- Theresa May
- Timmy
- Toby Turner
- Tom Brady
- Townie
- Ultimate Dankers
- Wendy
- Wumpus
- Your drunk self
- Your mom
- Your Step-Sister
- Zack Martin
- Zig
- ZomB
Possible Messages[]
- 404 coin not found
- ain't nobody got time for that
- alright thot, be gone now
- Back in my day we worked for a living
- begging is cringe bro
- begone thot
- bye jerk, no coins for you
- can you not
- can't spare a dime, but here's a rhyme: "go away, don't come another day"
- coin request denied, try again later (or never)
- coin.exe has stopped working
- coins machine 🅱️roke
- coins? in this economy? HA
- ew get away
- ew no
- Get a job you hippy
- get out with that begging bullcrap
- go ask someone else
- HeRe In AmErIcA wE dOnT dO cOmMuNiSm
- here's a thought: ask someone who cares
- honestly stop asking me for coins
- how about no
- I can't even afford a McChicken, let alone give you coins
- I can't even afford gas, why would I give you anything?
- I don't have coins, but I have a participation trophy if you want (sike)
- I have no money, sorry :(
- I maxed my credit cards already
- I need my coins for my meme collection
- I need my money to buy airpods
- I only give coins to cute dogs, sorry
- I only give coins to people with better pickup lines
- I only give money to my mommy
- I share money with no-one
- I spent all my coins on a useless degree, sorry
- I would not share with the likes of you
- I would sooner spend money on taxes than give you anything
- I'd rather burn my money than give you any
- I'm more likely to win the lottery than give you coins
- I'm saving up for my pet rock, no coins for you
- I'm too poor
- imagine begging in 2024, gofundme is where it's at
- is monopoly money ok? no? sounds like a you problem...
- lmao imagine thinking I would give you anything
- money? never heard of her
- nah, would rather not feed your gambling addiction
- No I already gave money to the last beggar
- no u
- nope, nothing for you
- oh heck nah
- pull urself up by your bootstraps scrub
- sorry, fresh out of coins and empathy
- Sorry, I just don't have money to spare
- stop begging
- stop begging, you look like a fool
- sure take this non-existent coin
- the atm is out of order, sorry
- the only coin I got is my two cents, and you don't want that
- there. are. no. coins. for. you.
- ur too stanky
- you get NOTHING
- you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning than getting coins from me
- you must be coinfused, no money here
- you must be fun at parties
- Oh you poor soul, take ⏣ [amount]
- If the user clicks on the person they begged from, they will get directed to this youtube video.
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