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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki
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Bankrob (or Heist) is a currency command in Dank Memer. You can use this command to perform a robbery on another user's bank.

It should be noted that this command requires at least one other user to join the heist in order for it to actually proceed, otherwise, it will automatically fail.

How it works[]

Using the command /bankrob, You are first required to mention a user who has at least some coins on their bank storage, and does not have Passive Mode enabled.

To start a heist, you need to have at least ⏣ 10,000 coins on your pocket storage, and the same goes to users who wish to partake in the heist.

A prompt that allows other users to participate in an open-heist

After the command is used, Dank Memer will sent an embed prompt allowing other users to also participate in the heist.

The more users that joins, the more likely it is for the heist to succeed.


Be aware that partaking in a heist may result in you being fined or dying. Although this is considered unlikely to happen, it may happen to you if you're unlucky enough.

Stopping a heist[]

If you are the one currently being heisted on, try and act fast, immediately use the command /use item:Cell Phone, After that, pick the "Call the police" option.

After the interaction ends, the heist that's currently happening on you will be guaranteed to fail, and all the user's partaking in the heist will automatically pay you as a way to compensate for the attempted bank robbery.

You should also be aware that this action is required to be performed on the same server that the heist was happening on.


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