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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Balance is a currency command in Dank Memer. It's used to check both the pocket and bank balance of another user or your own, as well as other currency related information.


To check your balance, use the command /balance, or add the user argument if you intend to check for other users balance.

A user's balance consists of their pocket balance, their bank and bank space, their inventory net, market net, and total net worth.

Interface and Informations[]

To deposit or withdraw coins from your bank, you can use the /balance command and then choose the action from the interface provided.

When checking your balance, you will be shown different information related to your currency stats, below are basic summaries of what those informations are:


Pocket balance is the amount of coins you have on hand that you can use immediately. Coins in your pocket are at risk of being stolen unless you use protective items, such as padlocks.


Bank balance is a separately stored coins that have to be withdrawn first before being used. Coins stored in your bank may be risked of being stolen by a heist unless you're able to successfully intervene by calling the police.


Bankspace is the maximum capacity that you have to store coins in your bank. A bankspace can be increased by using commands frequently, or by using bank notes.

Net worth[]

Users have three types of net worth that are viewable using balance, which are inventory net, market net, and total net. As suggested by their name, each net worth increases depending on the value.

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