Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki

Badges, or a Badge is a profile emblem that you can get for accomplishing a certain task in Dank Memer.


A user is generally awarded with a badge when they've successfully done a certain task a set amount of time, or for other reasons, such as using the bot on the last days at the end of a year.

Non-exclusive badges have a platinum variant of itself, and only requires the user to do the same task for the normal variant, with an added amount of times.

A user can re-arrange the position, or even hide their badges from their profile using /badges manage.


A badge can give you a +15% coin multiplier per the unique badge that you have unlocked.

Collector perk[]

A collector badge can give its user an additional 10% discount on both the regular shop and drop sales.

List of badges[]

To see a list of badges available, including your progress, use /badges list.

Obtainable badges[]

Icon (Normal) Icon (Platinum) Badge Name Requirements (Normal) Requirements (Platinum)
Collector N/A Collector Earned for completing all bundles. N/A
DailyDevoteeGold DailyDevoteePlat Daily Devotee Earned for having a 420 daily streak. Earned for having a 666 daily streak.
Beg Badge BegBadgePlatinum Poor Little Beggar Earned for successfully begging 10,000 times Earned for successfully begging 15,000 times
Search Badge SearchBadgePlatinum Hide and Seek Champion Earned for successfully searching 10,000 times Earned for successfully searching 15,000 times
Criminal Badge CrimeBadgePlatinum Crime Lord Earned for successfully committing a crime 10,000 times Earned for successfully commiting a crime 15,000 times
PostMemes Badge PostMemesBadgePlatinum Meme Connoisseur Earned for posting a TRENDING meme 2,000 times Earned for posting a TRENDING meme 3,000 times
Market Badge MarketerBadgePlatinum Market Manipulator Earned for successfully completing 7,500 of other people's offers (sell OR buy) Earned for successfully completing 15,000 of other people's offers (sell OR buy)
Donor Badge DonorBadgePlatinum Charity Leader Earned for hosting 1,000 global giveaways Earned for hosting 1,500 global giveaways
Server Donor Badge ServerDonorBadgePlatinum Server Lifeblood Earned for donating over ⏣ 25,000,000,000 to server pools Earned for donating over ⏣ 100,000,000,000 to server pools
Pet Badge PetExpertBadgePlatinum Pet Handling Expert Have 4 pets at least Prestige 1 Have 8 pets at least Prestige 1
Hunt Badge HuntingBadgePlatinum BANG BANG BANG Expert Earned for catching 250 dragons Earned for catching 400 dragons
Petfight Badge PetExpertBadgePlatinum Illegal Pet Fighter Win a pet fight 4,000 times Win a pet fight 5,000 times
GoldSeasonedAngler PlatSeasonedAngler Seasoned Angler Earned for completing the creatures and locations in the guide book. Earned for placing 1st on a daily fishing leaderboard.
Dig Badge DigBadgePlatinum Diggin It Earned for catching 250 mole men Earned for catching 400 mole men
Work Badge WorkBadgePlatinum Business Savvy Earned for making over 20m coins from /work Earned for making over 100m coins from /work
Highlow Badge HighLowBadgePlatinum Always high Earned for winning 12,500 games of /highlow Earned for winning 20,000 games of /highlow
Rob Badge RobBadgePlatinum Rob Them Blind Earned for successfully robbing 50 billion coins Earned for successfully robbing 200 billion coins
Disenfranchised Voter Badge VotingBadgePlatinum Disenfranchised Voter Reach vote level 58 three times Reach vote level 58 six times
WeeklyQuestBadge WeeklyQuestBadgePlatinum Bester Quester Earned for completing 20 weekly quests. Earned for completing 40 weekly quests.
Bold Adventurer Badge Bold Adventurer Platinum Bold Adventurer Earned for winning 500 adventures. Earned for winning 1,000 adventures.
FightBadgeGold FightBadgePlat Fighter Earned for getting the Silver rank in fighting. Earned for getting the Gold rank in fighting.
MarryBadgeGold MarryBadgePlat Marital Master Earned for being married for 16 weeks. Earned for being married for 52 weeks.
XPBadgeGold XPBadgePlat XPlosion Expert Earned for gaining 10M XP. Earned for gaining 15M XP.
NetBadgeGold NetBadgePlat Goldzilla Earned for having a net worth of 100B. Earned for having a net worth of 300B.
Patreon Badge PatreonBadgePlatinum P2W Player Unlocked by being a $5 patron member Unlocked by being a $20 patron member

Exclusive badges[]

This table lists out badges that are considered exclusive, or no longer obtainable.





Badge Name Requirements (Normal) Requirements (Platinum)
2020 Badge N/A New Year, New Me Earned for using the bot on the last few days of 2020. N/A
2021 Badge N/A Another Year, Same Me Earned for using the bot on the last few days of 2021. N/A
2022 Badge N/A Still Alive Somehow Earned for using the bot on the last few days of 2022. N/A
2023 Badge N/A Free of 2023 Earned for using the bot on the last few days of 2023. N/A
Developer DeveloperPlat Developer Earned for being a bot developer N/A
Bot Admin Badge N/A Bot Admin Earned for being a bot administrator N/A
BugHunterGold BugHunterPlat Bug Hunter Earned for reporting a confirmed bug to the developers. N/A
AlphaTester N/A Alpha Tester Earned for being an Alpha Tester for the bot N/A
Slash Tester Badge N/A Slash Tester Earned for using the slash commands during the Pre-Rewrite period N/A
Fish Badge FishingBadgePlatinum Rod Master Earned for catching 250 legendary fish Earned for catching 400 legendary fish

Removed badges[]

Note: Players who already accomplished these will keep the badge forever. The gambling badges were "retired" due to Discord not allowing Dank Memer on the App Directory for gambling.

Icon (Normal) Icon (Platinum) Badge Name Method
Scratch Badge ScratchBadgePlatinum Itch Scratcher Earned for winning 10,000 games of /scratch
Slots Badge SlotsBadgePlatinum Slot Master Earned for winning 12,000 games of /slots
Gamble Badge GambleBadgePlatinum Dice Shaker Earned for winning 20,000 games of /gamble
Snakeeyes Badge SnakeBadgePlatinum Slippery Snake Earned for winning 20,000 games of /snakeeyes
Blackjack Badge BlackjackBadgePlatinum BJ Master Earned for winning 10,000 games of /blackjack

Related achievements[]

Obtain a badge![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 10,000,000

Obtain 3 badges![]

Associated rewards

  • ⏣ 25,000,000

Obtain 10 badges![]

Associated rewards

  • 'Badger Binger' Title
  • ⏣ 100,000,000


Site Navigation[]

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Games GameTriviaWager
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