Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki

Animals is an image command in Dank Memer that will fetch an image of the type of animal that you chose to see.

You can have Dank Memer fetch an animal image using /animal <animal type>

Type options[]

There are multiple options that you can chose, here's a list of animal types that you can chose:

  1. aww (Cats & Dogs)
  2. ducc (Ducks)
  3. foxxy (Foxes)
  4. ferrets
  5. goose
  6. hootyboi (Owls)
  7. hopppyboi (Frogs)
  8. lizzyboi (Lizards)
  9. redpanda (Red Pandas)


In case of curiosity, every images is fetched either from a private API, or from social medias. Images taken from social medias such as reddit is provided with a hyperlink that goes to the original post that the image was fetched from.

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