Dank Memer Wiki

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Dank Memer Wiki
Dank Memer Wiki

Advancements are currency progressions that lets you buy upgrades, as well as advance both your prestige and omega level.


  • /advancements prestige Resets most of your currency stats in exchange for a fresh start and other benefits.
  • /advancements omega Resets almost all your currency stats, in exchange for a completely fresh start and other small benefits.
  • /advancements upgrades Buy an upgrade that unlocks new perks
  • /advancements levels See the rewards you can get from reaching certain levels
  • /advancements vote See the rewards you can get from reaching certain vote levels


The prestige sub-command will prompt Dank Memer to show you the requirements that you need to fulfill first before advancing your prestige level.

If you've fulfilled the requirements, then you may confirm whether you really want to start all over again in return of receiving some perks.


Going omega has the same process as prestiging, with the difference is that omega is a higher level than both a regular bot level & a prestige.

Note that advancing an omega would result in you losing nearly everything that you've earned in the currency system, including prestige.

Omega Shop[]

Omega Shop consists of valuables that may be hard to obtain normally, or even things that are no longer obtainable via any methods, either it being an item, a pet, or a high value skin.


Upgrades can be purchased using coins as a one time purchase, after that, the upgrade will be applied automatically to your current account.

Note that upgrades cannot be transfered from an account onto another account.


You can obtain rewards if you reach a certain vote levels, which increases each time you vote for the bot on discordbotlist.com


  • Prior to the rewrite, both Prestige and Omega were actually two separate commands of their own.
  • The monthly command was actually free-to-use, but was later locked behind a purchase in upgrades to prevent alt-farming.
  • Nope, you can't increase your vote level with freemium.

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