I'm not sure and I can't find the answer anywhere
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So I got a GIANT loot haul from a space adventure that I can use to do the alien pet quest (maybe some extra). Thing is, I'm not sure I want to. And I can't post on market because first, I can only sell ONE thing, not a set. Second, I want my pets (you can't have any for the alien pet). Third, I'm not sure what I want. So, the following items below are open for trade:
Alien Sample
Black Hole
Jar of Singularity
If you want, you can trade for one or more. Take your pick, but the highest bid wins. My username is dew_leaf. I'll friend you if you have the highest. 🙂
Just Updated
How the hell somebody rob me of 200 million and when I rob them back they don't have over 10k
I feel that, with every passing month, I grow more distant from this wiki. I barely play Dank Memer now and cannot catch up with every new change, especially with school and me moving on to new ventures.
@Taypiko I am sorry. I have failed you after you bestowed responsibility of running the wiki onto me.
To the community, there are other resources out there. Far more up-to-date resources that are officially run by staff and elite players, instead of mid-game peeps who don't know as much about the game.
You can find me on the Florr.io Community Wiki and the Prodigy Math Game Fanon Wiki.
Thank you, you were everything to me many months ago and I greatly cherished the time I spent on Dank Memer.
Whami out.
Anyone alive ???
What is the most profitable thing I can do to convert 175 gems to coins? Is 175 gems even worth anything? Even if it's not, I would still like to somehow convert it, if possible. What should I buy in the exclusive gems shop?
Heya traveler, want some collectable? Or item that might helpful to be number 1! I sell those! Take a look:
7 Apple (Each for 10.000)
5 Bank Note ( Each for 100.000)
1 Cell Phone (300.000)
2 Freemium Ad (1.000 i don't need it)
5 Jacky o' Lanty (OCTOBER ONLY!!!! 300.000)
2 Pepe statue (1.000.000 each)
Item can be more cheaper if you beat me on a challange. 1 winning = 10%
DM me (Spooky Beloki Hehehehe/peashooterlooting1234)
Shop updated every time i get a double item ;)
Anyone know the quickest way to get money?
Will i lose the money in my bank or just wallet
May i ask how to change the language of the bot? And thank you
Pls help tysm
People can't think of smth better to do than reporting year-old posts? Pffft
100k each, dm me: appel_456
Will Puzzle Key be tradeable again or will it be a trophy item like trivia trophy and legacy fish after the event?
Which items are more valuable in Dank Memer- Godly or Legendary?